The BIOCRUSHER, an all-in-one processing system developed by BIOG, consists of a dosing container, defibering system, mixing pump system as well as a control and electrical system as an interface-free compact system.
Complete system - BIOCRUSHER
The complete system for integration into biogas plants

Dosing and feeding
The BIOFEEDER dosing container performs the conveying and dosing of long-fiber materials with its interchangeable pusher base and the load-controlled dissolving and mixing screw conveyor wall. Automatic returns in case of foreign bodies or blockades ensure trouble-free and even material transport.
Defibering and processing of organic matter
The organic material passes from the dosing container to the defibering unit (PREPARATION TECHNOLOGY). Defibering increases the target surface for the bacteria and also facilitates stirring. This means that materials which are difficult to degrade can also be used for methane production.
The conveyor technology
The feeding of the fermenter is carried out via screw conveyors or stuffing screws in the case of solids input or via the respective pump technology in the case of liquid feeding. The mixing pump unit mixes the freshly prepared material with the liquid material from the fermenter and ensures an ideal viscosity for methane production.

„Through many years of testing systems from different manufacturers in our own plants, as a biogas plant supplier, we have combined the right components for all requirements and the introduction, conveying technology and processing or defibering technology in one control unit without interfaces.“ – the project manager